Happy Today with Lady Maga USA

Episode 48: Christine Cisneroz "I'm Latina, Lesbian, and NOT a Leftist."

Lady Maga USA Season 1 Episode 48

Seattle, Washington...

Christine Cisneroz lived her live as a Democrat liberal once she came out of the closet at age 17. "I thought my only option was to be on the left. I thought Conservatives were the enemy." 

Gradually, she realized she had been deceived. 

Her awakening, although gradual, was dramatic. Today, she's a freedom-fighter and a patriot and unapologetically Conservative. 

She has been a radio host in Seattle for eleven years. But she walked away from her station because she refused to muzzle her voice (literally) with a mask. 

She lives in Seattle and doesn't know if she'll stay. "I'm originally from Texas, and now I may go back. Seattle has been destroyed by the left." 

If you enjoy Christine's inspiring story please share this podcast. 

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